A Moment Of Peace

HPIM1489.JPGMay we all take a moment today to remember those in need of some peace.  To all those effected by the tragedies at the Boston Marathon and the Plant Explosion in West, Texas and those who may be in our day to day lives that are going through some sort of personal tragedy, I say you are not alone.  If no one else will stand with you, I will! If you feel like you have no one to talk to, no matter what the problem is, contact me.  I will be there.  And if you feel like you can’t, then reach out and grab the love and peace that is available in so many places.  We personally have friends in West, and luckily they are alright, but have lost everything.  So I ask anyone that reads this to reach out and help those we see in need again no matter what the need.  We don’t have to have a tragedy of massive proportions to help.  So may all of you enjoy a sense of calm and peace today!

3rd Piece in my Audacity Series

HPIM1825.JPGThis is the third of my Audacity Series titled “Your Light Shines Through”.  I wanted something simple without too much detail, that was able to convey the feeling of an all powerful light (such as the soul or an inner strength) forcing it’s way through the darkness.  I think the trees and roots in this shot gave it more of a rain soaked feel.  Never hide your light, and always let it force through and shut out the darkness that tries to encroach upon your life.  As always “Let Your Freak Flag Fly”! Till next time!

Another in my Audacity Series titled “I Love You For Your Awkward Beauty”

HPIM1865.JPGI decided to continue my Series of photos following the last post named audacity.  This is titled I Love You For Your Awkward Beauty.  I called it that because there seems to me to be a strange beauty in these odd little plants.  They amazed me when I took the photo to see them among all these massive trees, and dead leaves.  Sometimes the things around us can be so chaotic  providing us with a sense of pressure on our souls.  But like these odd little plants, we should be ourselves and force the chaos back, stating that no matter what we will survive, thrive, and grow.  And some day with love, sunshine, strength, conviction, and determination on our side each of us will be the master of our own forest. Growth should continue no matter where you are in your life, strive to be the best and most amazing you that could ever be.  And Again “Let Your Freak Flag Fly!”

Flowers With an Edge (tilted “Audacity”)

HPIM1842.JPGI titled this piece Audacity, because to me it’s all about the flowers having the nerve to be bright and colorful in a dark dismal world.  I think we should all strive to have that nerve and be the ones to break the mold!  Stand out for the individual that you are and let everyone around you know it!  As we always say around my house “Let your freak flag fly!”.  Never be afraid of who you are, that is truly what makes you beautiful!

Never Let Anyone Say You Can’t

IMG_0014 IMG_0006 IMG_0005Todays lesson that I would like to share with whomever wants to hear it is, “Never Ever Ever allow the opinions of others to bring you down and stop doing what you love!”. These three images are old sketches I did many years ago. Now I know they may be “fine”, but they weren’t really good! I was just beginning my journey as an artist, and had a lot to learn about shadow, perspective, life, and experience. My father, told me that I wasn’t good enough, and that I should stop playing with silly things like pencils and paper. I should go get a real job, and focus on the things in life that truely matter. And believe it or not people I listened to that load of crap! So I gave up my art aspirations, and worked in soooo many dead end jobs (always making it to the top level of said jobs). He was happy (not really but liked to appear that way) with my decision to put away those childish dreams of mine, but I was miserable and slowly dieing inside and out! And then one day my beautiful wife said “Why don’t you draw anymore?” and my answer was “I wasn’t really any good at it.” She then promptly said WTF I have seen some of your stuff and it’s great so maybe it needs a little polish but that’s nothing a little work can’t do! And I picked up my paper and pencil and never looked back! The images above were done when I was about nineteen and now look at my work! I am amazed that my work has grown up with me. I will keep pushing forward! And to all those that said I shouldn’t or couldn’t do it, as well as all those that tell anyone else they shouldn’t or couldn’t I say SCREW YOU! We will move ahead, and art in all it’s forms is important to the life and development of a truely modern society! SO REMEMEBER HEAD UP, CHEST OUT, PROUD, STRONG, BELIEVING IN YOURSELF, MOVING FORWARD, AND LOVING LIFE NO MATTER WHAT ALL OF THE JERKS IN THE WORLD SAY TO YOU JUST PUT THEM ON MUTE AND PLUG IN SOME MUSIC TO DROWN THEM OUT! May you all have a beautiful, productive, imaginative, fun, happy, exciting day!